1 day to the inspection... but im in the cottage with jimi-boy, having a cool time, we´ve been cruising in saukkola-city, eating strawberrys, ice cream, drinking "cold drinks" and eating what ever comes to mind. ;-) JIMI´s day naps, is loooong gone...seems like that. ;-)
but Mika did a fine job with the panel van, now i have to fix some small hand brake issues.
i have to drive to the helsinki city, today, because i have the permission for today...and to get Jyrki Launes race-number stickers to his famous black street racer... :-)
the sun is starting to soften my head in here...huh...
but cant compalin... hey i have even the crappy video camera to shoot some action clips from alastaro this week... and maybe even some cruising & krem-a-que too...lets see.
and hey...rancho gearbox update coming soon...