lauantai 13. heinäkuuta 2013

there´s no ride - like a bus ride!

i drove mikas bus to kangasniemi, and my bus back to helsinki. next stop will be at saukkola. :-)
these two busses are actually been born at the same week, but as you can see the other went to the church at the sundays, and the other ... well mostly to the local bars... :-) they are very much different to drive, the other one is soft and comfortable... and the other is  errr... hard. 
Ok, for the brakes, the nicer "girl" needs similar brakes like the bad "little sister"
and the uglier one could need more uuuumph in its "rear end" :-)

at the pole position theres a relative...
a sychro panel... pretty cool.

 at Kangasniemi, waiting for the bus...
errr...inspection that is...

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