Second thing is to put the turbo header back together, and put the oil line also to the turbo.
I charged the battery to the baby blue "smurfette" and had to drive it in the gravel-roads for a while, it was fun, but noticed that now the shifter needs adjuStment, and tyre presUre is a bit low, and one rear chock absorber needs attention.
If i only had working lights, and blinkers, and maybe charging system i would be happy... But i need help from someone for that...but what can i say? Old volkswagens never dies... Even they can look a bit like that
For a while i've been thinking to put weber 48 idf's with manifolds to that black ghia, because it would be a fast solution to get back to the roads, but wheres the fun part in that? I' ll get another combo for those carbs, and for these 40 drla's i have an 1915cc engle 110 combo for a regular driving engine.
Maybe that can be done in 2015 who knows?