Ok, this was a sad day...
i dismantled the block to see whats wrong...my idea was that when
aarnio racing decided to swap my parts from my 68 S-block (without asking me first...)
to a 2.7 block (i didnt know anything of the 2.7 block except it turned and looked otherwise pretty ok to me...) ...i thought from the beginning that the bearing line would be twisted OR there would be something wrong with the bearings...BECAUSE i had my 2520cc screamer running years ago.
and the crank was athe machine shop for inspection, but they said that its in std size allover, and they dont do anything to it, because theres no need.
it was a 66mm porsche 911 S crank. it came in the block with correct S-rods as well...
ok, you get the hint. its not the same crank anymore. the S-crank is turned to a normal crank...
so where the HELL is my S crank? ...i´m getting mad! (and maybe to the police officers...)
hmmmm, i wonder whats the price for those crank´s in std size? any ideas?
oh well, i was partially correct, when i loosened the bolts of the block, the engine started to turn again...let me think...the pistons and cylinders are also gone, there has been so much dirt when the engine was "rebuilded" that could have been making the really deep scratches on the pistons and cylinders. ...well this was the saddest day in my porsche hobby, BTW i originally bought the S-engine in 1988...
to be continued...